Tuesday, October 25, 2011

The Contribution Of Mattampa

The Contribution of Mattampa
Pangkep is one of culture city in Indonesia, there are many culture, typical food, rekreational place in Pangkep regency. There are many kind of typical food from Pangkep such as cucuru bajao, cao, sop saudara, dange, etc. While the tradition of pangkep regency which very famous such as ma’bissu or mappalili.
If we see from recreational place, Pangkep have important place’s such as sumpang bita, mattampa, Bambu runcing statue, and Musafir Park. Not only that, pangkep also have amazing natural opulence such as mountain karst, jati tree, bolu, lemo, doang(BOLEDONG).
In this paper, we will explain about Dufan Mattampa, one of recreational place which famous in pangkep regency.
Dufan Mattampa located in Mattampa, Samalewa Bungoro subdistrict, Pangkep regency. Pangkep dufan Mattampa have wide area around 11 Hectare. Dufan Mattampa opened since 2004, there are many knowledge which can students get from Dufan mattampa, such as Historycal backround of dufan mattampa, Mattampa in Future, The scenery of Mattampa,  and The Contribution of mattampa
In this Paper, we will explain about The Contribution of Mattampa.

2). The Contribution of Mattampa
In the reality, all of  rekreational park/place have a contribution.
In this paper, we will explain about the contribution of Mattampa, there are many contribution of Mattampa such as :
ü  Mattampa as Recreational place
Dufan Mattampa is one of rekreational Place in South Sulawesi, Dufan Mattampa can give consolation  for society, who visit to Mattampa, not only local society but also society from the other district and domestic tourist or non-domestic tourist.
ü Mattampa as Economic Income
Dufan Mattampa is one of source economic income for Pangkep Regency, local society, visitors, etc. For Pangkep regency, Mattampa become one of source devisa income. Because mattampa is goverment property.While for local society, there are many people who benefitted their house location which near with dufan Mattampa  for built little shop or food court until when there are many  visitors. So, their little shop ar food court surely will busy, and of course !! it’s wil very profitable.
Dufan Mattampa also dicrease unemployment, because it’s can give job for society. For the visitors, Mattampa is very good because they can enjoy recreation with inexpensive expence.
Not only that, Mattampa which contracted by foreign people will produse devisa Income for pangkep regency and of cource profitable for contractor.

ü Mattampa as Socialitation Place
Mattampa also become socialitation place because  , the visitors will know each other  and will happened social interaction for the visitors. The scenery in mattampa is beautiful. So, mattampa can become meeting place or socialitation place, not only physical socialitation but  also heart socialitation. So, if you will meet outdoor, mattampa become true place.
ü Mattampa as Education Place
Mattampa also become the education Place, because in Mattampa all of people can get a knowledge, specially all of student. Beside that,  in sport learn one section of curriculum is swimming, there are many school in pankep regency which can operate this indicator in Mattampa (Swimming Pool of Mattampa).

3). The Conclution
Dufan Mattampa is recreational place which very good, there are many contribution of Mattampa. Although mattampa have many contribution but of course, mattampa have a negatif effect and all of people must play along for remove the negatif effect. There are many contribution of Mattampa suv]ch as recreational place, economic income, socialisation place, and education place, because that all of society and all of people must keep and depend mattampa as recreational place in pangkep regence.
Responsib for keep and depend mattampa not only by goverment but also society and all of people...

“Tentongengngi ade’ta, mammuare’gi na patettong tokki’ ”

“tau makkegunae iyanaritu tau naulle jagaiwi sininna ade’na “
